FairyABC Update!

Hiya, pixies!

Below, I’ve listed the new features the latest FABC update has brought. There are quite a few, and a lot are fun to discover on your own.

If you want to explore the Hollow and find them yourself, don’t click below!

In Order Of Discovery:

  1. 40+ new wing types
  2. Winter in Havendish Square
  3. Gigantic rainbow in Treetop Bend
  4. Fireworks in the Ballroom!
  5. Fire works in the Ballroom! Toast marshmallows!
  6. Lanterns in Evergreen Overlook
  7. Lanterns and ice sculptures in Snowcap Glade!
  8. There’s a gift from the mermaids in Palm Tree Cove! Spoilers: It makes a great sofa!
  9. The doorway to Dulcie’s kitchen has been decorated with clovers!

Nine things! Wow!

That’s quite a bit more than any of the last updates!

(And I might have missed some. I was distracted by the barbecue in the Ballroom 😛 )

Check them out for yourself!

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